We have a few more details about the tests that will be given in the spring, including types of tests at each grade level. A batch of sample items is in production now. This sample will be available “shortly” to all schools and will demonstrate the online functions and tools of the M-STEP.
The ELA Spring 2015 M-STEP is a comprehensive ELA model:
· Grades 3-8: Smarter Balanced content plus Michigan-developed field-test items. This will include a Computer Adaptive Test (CAT), a Classroom Activity, and a Performance Task.
· Grade 11: Smarter Balanced content plus Michigan-developed field-test items. This will include a Computer Adaptive Test (CAT), a Classroom Activity, and a Performance Task. This is in addition to the ACT plus Writing and Work-Keys.
· The M-STEP (grades 3-8, 11) will include items from the following Michigan Standards: reading, writing, language, listening.
The most current assessment transition document outlines the details for the M-STEP. For additional information, click here.
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